We start operations in 2010, with 100% Colombian capital.
Our goal: Provide a service of high quality, permanent advisory and a optimal and integral solution, for your needs in international logistics.
The recruitment of an appropriate st aff to meet the needs of our customers, the focus on continuous improvement and decisions based on long-term sustainability, have allowed us to obtain the recognition and support of our customers.
Mission: We provide integral logistic services with efficiency and human warmth.
Responsibility: Service Vocation , Honesty and Commitment.


Carrera 43 B No. 16-95
Ed. Cámara Colombia de la Infraestructura, Oficina 305
Teléfono: +57 (604) 4483626
Calle 98 # 70-91
Centro empresarial Pontevedra, Oficina 506
Teléfono: +57 (601) 613 60 24
Carrera 13 No. 11-80
Edificio Capitol, Oficina 1104
Teléfono: +57 315 8949190
Zona Franca Zofiva
Variante de Caldas Y de primavera Km 1 via La Pintada
Teléfono +57 (604) 4483626 Ext 3000
Teléfono: +57 3003982770
Transversal 54 No. 28-25 Bosque
Edificio Movisol, Oficina 601
Teléfono: +57 3183881713
Calle 7 No 3-11 Barrio Las Mercedes
Edificio Pacific Trade Center, Oficina 805
Teléfono: +57 3174238761
Avenida Roosevelt No. 39-25
Centro Empresarial Palacio de Cristal, Oficina 1004
Teléfono: +57 3160268982
7500 NW 25th St
Suite 237 Doral, FL 33122
Teléfono +1 7866446880
Our certifications and alliances
We are allied with worldwide networks of freight forwarders, certified and endorsed under strict international safety standards in order to provide our customers a safe and reliable logistic process.
International Air Transport Association
Ensures that global airline traffic is carried with maximum speed, safety and efficiency
We are allied with worldwide networks of freight forwarders, certified and endorsed under strict international safety standards in order to provide our customers a safe and reliable logistic process.
Allies Around the World
Strategic allies from our agent’s network
- United States
- Brazil
- Europe
- Southeast Asia
- Mexico
- China
- Asia